Achieving balance in your home is equally as important as striving for a balanced inner self. We spend so much time talking about personal health, but the inside of our homes (and outside) should also be balanced and healthy.
Everyone has a personal style and their home décor furnishings reflect memories and special treasures that have been gathered along life’s journey or handed down from generation to generation. Regardless of which style one chooses at any time in their life, their home décor selections represent traces of a journey and to them, they are considered beautiful, sometimes emotional, complex, and always comfortable.
Living in a small town is charming and people are so friendly! We chose to live in Springfield, MO because it was home to our girls and my family in Ohio was finally within driving distance.
My parents immigrated to the states from the UK. Both of them were extremely creative and growing up, we learned a lot by observing and helping in the reconstruction of an 1800’s farmhouse in Ohio, which is where we settled.